Streamline and enhance the underwriting process.
We have the ability to process our 4506-C Tax Return Verifications and SSA-89 Social Security Verifications in-house, no more waiting on a third party to process your request or follow-up days later to tell you there was an issue.
Tired of your borrowers not sending the last page of their bank statements or sending you screenshots of their statements instead of the actual document to verify their deposits or assets? We have a solution for that, you can send an email request to your borrower using our Premium VOA/VOD platform powered by FinicityConnect® or Account Check.
Your borrower is in control of what financial institutions and accounts they share as well as who has access. Once complete a notification will be sent alerting you they’ve completed the process and you’ll have instant, real-time access to the accounts they’ve shared with the ability to refresh the data anytime for no additional fees!

No waiting on third parties

Instant access to verify funds